This summary has been created to give you a comprehensive overview of the technical components needed for various digitalisation processes. We selected several examples and then listed the devices to realize the respective railway controlling procedure.
I exclusively want to have my locos run digitally with Selectrix.
| 02.03.2011 up |
- The locomotives shall be controlled digitally by use of Selectrix.
- A computer is not used.
- The locos shall be operated via manual controller.
- The controlling of turnouts, signal devices etc. is carried out otherwise (e.g. via analogue track control panel).
A digital central unit must generate the track signal to shift Selectrix to rail. A version of the professional central unit ZS1 including a display circuit board is required to perform for instance the locomotive programming. Locos having been programmed like that can be operated via the manual controller incorporated in the ZS1.
Each loco must of course be equipped with an appropriate locomotive decoder.
We recommend the use of several manual controller devices to be able to operate various locos at the same time.
Depending on the power required to supply your model railway system you may need several boosters. You can choose an additional traction current between 3 A and 6 A (PPS3A or PPS6A).
The operation of your turnouts, signals etc. and the illumination of routes on the track diagram control panel is not taken over by the Selectrix digital system. You therefore don`t need no more Selectrix components here.
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I exclusively want to use Selectrix only for switching and signaling applications. The locos run analogously.
| 02.03.2011 up |
- Locos don`t run digitally(neither Selectrix nor another system).
- A computer is not used.
- The loco controlling is done via transformators (or analogue circuits).
- Turnouts, signals etc. are operated by use of Selectrix, e.g. in connection with a track diagram control panel.
One module must produce the Selectrix-bus. Just use our Bus interface. You can alternatively take the motherboard of the professional central unit ZS1, but in that case only the two busses of that digital system will be used. All important features are included into an integrated interface allowing a model railway control via PC. We unfortunately do not offer a specific module only to create the Selectrix bus.
You need switching modules to operate turnouts, signals (etc.) as for instance the functional decoder WDMiba. A servo decoder is suitable to regulate the turnouts, and by means of a light decoder LDMiba you can adjust signal settings.
An occupancy detector (BMDCC) supports the tracebility of the routes taken. These detectors have originally not been developed to be used in the analog mode and only response above a voltage of approximate 2.5 V on the track what is ideal in that case. There are often employed impulse-contacts as for instance reed contacts or IR-sensors, which can be connected e.g. pushbutton module or if a galvanic separation between the button and the SX bus is desired, by means of an occupancy detector BMMot.
In case that your turnouts shall be operated via track diagram control panel encoder will be applied. You just have to allocate both the same Selectrix–address to the Encoderand to the corresponding turnout decoder. Signals can then be controlled in the same way as turnouts. The travel route of your trains can for example be illuminated by use of further light decoders (if occupancy detectors are taken).
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My model railways drive on digital systems with DDC,and Selectrix Selectrix shall be used to perform switching and signaling procedures.
| 02.03.2011 up |
- Locos run digitally with DDC.
- The monitoring of travel routes, turnout controlling and signal adjustment etc. is done via Selectrix.
- There is a computer applied having an appropriate model railway controlling software.
- The track diagram control panel shall be able to be operated too (in combination with the computer).
A digital central unit to produce the DDC track signal is already available locomotive decoders and possibly hand controllers also.
One module must generate the Selectrix-bus to establish a connection to the PC. Just use our Bus interface. You can alternatively take themotherboard of the professional central unit ZS1 optimally offering 2 SX busses at the same time, which use the same interface when running to the computer.
Theoccupancy detectors BMDCC monitore the routes of your model railways, in particular the control of blocks and turnouts.
You need switching modules as for instance the funktional decoder WDMiba or servo decoder to operate turnouts, signals (etc.). A servo decoder is suitable to regulate the turnouts, and by means of a light decoder LDMiba you can adjust signal settings.
The model railway controlling is mainly done via PC. We nevertheless recommend to buy an independent servo module, e.g. a control panel SPF-PIC to set, program and operate your trains and to have the turnouts adjusted without a computer.
If the turnouts shall be set by use of a track diagram control panel, you will need encoders. There must the same Selectrix-address be allocated to encoder as to the corresponding turnout decoder. Signals can be operated in the same way. Further light decoders can for instance be used to illuminate railway routes. The light decoders will for that purpose be set to the same address like the appropriate occupancy detectors BMDCC.
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My model railways run digitally on a 3-conductor track, and Selectrix shall be used to perform switching and signaling procedures.
| 02.03.2011 up |
- Locos run digitally using Motorola.
- The monitoring of travel routes, turnout controlling and signal adjustment etc. is done via Selectrix.
- There is a computer applied having an appropriate model railway controlling software.
- The track diagram control panel shall be able to be operated too (in combination with the computer)
A digital command station to produce a 3-conductor Motorola track signal is already available; locomotive decoder and possibly hand controllers also.
One module must generate the Selectrix-Bus to establish a connection to the PC. Just use our bus interface. You can alternatively take the motherboard of the professional central unit ZS1 optimally offering 2 SX busses at the same time, which use the same interface when running to the computer.
The occupancy detectors BMMot fulfil the task of monitoring the route of your model railways, i.e. the controlling of blocks and turnouts.
You need switching modules as for instance the functional decoder WDMiba to operate turnouts, signals (etc.). A servo decoder is suitable to regulate the turnouts, and by means of a light decoder LDMiba you can adjust signal settings.
The model railway controlling is mainly done via PC. We nevertheless recommend to buy an independent servo module, e.g. an allround control panel SPF-PIC to set, program and operate your trains and to have the turnouts adjusted without a computer.
In case you want to establish an additional control system by use of a track diagram control panel, you will need the encoder. There must the same Selectrix-address be allocated to the encoder as to the corresponding turnout decoder. Signals can be operated in the same way. Further light decoders can for example be used to illuminate railway routes. The light decoders will for that purpose be set to the same address like the appropriate occupancy detectors BMMot.
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All driving, switching and signaling applications to have my model railways run shall completely be performed by Selectrix.
| 02.03.2011 up |
- Locos run digitally with Selectrix.
- The monitoring of travel routes, turnout controlling and signal adjustment etc. is done via Selectrix.
- There is a computer applied having an appropriate model railway controlling software.
- The track diagram control panel shall be able to be operated too (in combination with the computer).
(The motherboard of) professional central unit ZS1 offering as Selectrix digital command station a lot of features will be the best choice: The ZS1 enables a Selectrix -signal transmission on the track, the creation of 2 SX busses for switching and signaling applications and an interface to communicate with the PC (to mention only a few examples)
Locos can be controlled and programmed by use of the display board of professional central unit ZS1 also appropriate to operate switching systems.
Depending on the power required to supply your model railway system you may need several boosters. You can choose an additional traction current between 3 A and 6A (PPS3A or PPS6A).
The occupancy detectors BMMiba (or BMDCC for all model railway engineers prefering the galvanic separation) monitore the routes of your trains, in particular the control of blocks and turnouts.
You need switching modules as for instance the functional decoder WDMibato operate turnouts, signals (etc.). A servo decoder is suitable to regulate the turnouts, and by means of a light decoder LDMibayou can adjust signal settings.
The model railway controlling is mainly done via PC. We nevertheless recommend to buy an independent controller module e.g. an allround control panel SPF-PICto set, program and operate your trains and to have the turnouts adjusted without a computer in case you don`t use the display board of the professional central unit ZS1.
In case you want to establish an additional control system by use of a track diagram control panel, you will need the encoder. There must the same Selectrix-address be allocated to the encoder as to the corresponding turnout decoder. Signals can be operated in the same way. Further light decoders can for example be used to illuminate railway routes. The light decoders will for that purpose be set to the same address like the appropriate occupancy detectors BMMiba (or BMDCC).
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All driving, switching and signaling applications to have my model railways run shall completely be performed by Selectrix but without the computer.
| 02.03.2011 up |
- Locos run digitally with Selectrix. .
- The monitoring of travel routes, turnout controlling and signal adjustment etc. is done via Selectrix.
- There is a computer applied having an appropriate model railway controlling software.
- The track diagram control panel shall be able to be operated too (in combination with the computer)
The (motherboard of) professional central unit ZS1 offering as Selectrix-digital command station a lot of features will be the best choice: The ZS1 enables a Selectrix signal transmission on the track, the creation of 2 SX busses for switching and signaling applications and an interface to communicate with the PC (to mention only a few examples).
Locos can be controlled and programmed by use of the display board of professional central unit ZS1 also appropriate to operate switching systems.
Depending on the power required to supply your model railway system you may need several boosters. You can choose an additional traction current between 3 A and 6 A (PPS3A or PPS6A).
The occupancy detectors BMMiba (or BMDCC for all model railway engineers prefering the galvanic separation) monitore the routes of your trains, in particular the control of blocks and turnouts.
You need switching modules as for instance the functional decoder WDMiba to operate turnouts, signals (etc.). A servo decoder is suitable to regulate the turnouts, and by means of a light decoder LDMiba you can adjust signal settings.
The model railway controlling is mainly done via PC. We nevertheless recommend to buy an independent servo module e.g. an allround control panel SPF-PICto set, program and operate your trains and to have the turnouts adjusted without a computer in case you don`t use the display board of the professional central unit ZS1.
In case you want to establish an additional control system by use of a track diagram control panel, you will need the encoder. There must the same Selectrix-address be allocated to the encoder as to the corresponding turnout decoder. Signals can be operated in the same way. Further light decoders can for example be used to illuminate railway routes. The light decoders will for that purpose be set to the same address like the appropriate (occupancy detectors BMMiba or BMDCC).
Model train controlling via PC
| 02.03.2011 up |
- Train control via PC.
- Switching and signaling via PC.
- In some cases a track diagram control panel will be used additionally.
It does not matter if your model railways system works by means of an analogue circuit or a digital central unit, the computer can support it when used in certain combinations, which put the computer in the position to (partly) take over the operation of your trains and locos.
The market offers a broad variety of model train control programs covering individual ranges of functions. Basically all applications required may be spaned by such programms.
The processing of status signals (on the SX bus) being changed into commands for e.g. locos or turnouts (on the SX bus), is always done via PC or control software. It is possible to easily create input signal shortcuts of arbitrary complex combinations (e.g. of pushbuttons and detectors), which in return produce corresponding output signals (e.g. commands for locomotives or switching of the turnouts).
In so doing you may develop intuitively and clearly logical combinations as for instance of the driving or turnout routes used. All that procedures could also be realized without computer by means of a "turnout route module" or a similar system, connected directly to the SX bus. The programming of such turnout route modules however (or rather: the programming of logical combinations) would be much more complex, and the system is then harder to maintain (e.g. if a new turnout shall be added). This is why our professional central unit ZS1 does not have any tricky submenus as "driving routes" or something similar.
Operating your model railways via PC and for instance a digital command station does of course not mean to entirely dispense with the connection of a track diagram control panel! On the contrary: You can start activities by most control programs if for example pushbuttons are used. That allows you amongst other things to have your trains run by pressing the start and destination key (connected e.g. to a pushbutton module). on the track diagram control panel: The computer recognizes the pressed buttons and automatically triggers the respective train ride, if it`s possible. Turnout routes can be set in two different ways: Use its start and destination keys, which have internally been linked with the control program and to the corresponding turnouts. Alternatively you can switch your turnouts immediately by pushbuttons (connected via encoder). In that case no computer is required to switch your turnouts.
Operating your model railways via PC and for instance a digital command station does furthermore not mean to have the system controlled fully automatically! A computer can only control sections being integrated in its control program: Therefore any railway route (main- or subroute), which is not part of the PC control program, must be navigated manually by you. This may for instance mean that your computer automatically adapts the heavy freight and passenger traffic on the main route, and you take the manual control of branch lines. In case you want to be involved more in the activity of your railways system, the PC control program may automatically supervise only parts of the train routes used: Turnouts and signals will be set- and the locos can be operated by hand.
Your possibilities usually vary depending on the control program applied. You should therefore consider carefully, which model railway control program works best for you and your demands! Just download a test version to try out all features: Do you know people already using the program in order to exchange information? Do you cope with the program operation and the help menu? Does it offer all functionalities you need? Which limitations does it have, and are they acceptable to you?
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