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Modellbahn Digital Peter Stärz
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since 23/03/2005

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Here you find an overview of changes of this homepage being realized since the 14th of March 2006, separated by year (see end of the page).

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Click here to show news of the year 2012.
Click here to show news of the year 2011.
Click here to show news of the year 2010.
Click here to show news of the year 2009.
Click here to show news of the year 2008.
Click here to show news of the year 2007.
Click here to hide news of the year 2006.


27.11.2006 up 
  • The contact form is online available now.
  • The visitor counter is working again!


26.11.2006 up 


22.10.2006 up 
  • BMMiba, WDMiba: description has been revised (picture of the supplementary set was added)
  • The Trafo T1670 has been linked.


21.10.2006 up 


10.09.2006 up 


23.08.2006 up 


25.07.2006 up 
  • update of the page (offers have been expired)


26.05.2006 up 
  • minor optimizations (description of the reverse loop kit)
  • Pictures of the reverse loop kit are online available now.


04.05.2006 up 


22.03.2006 up 


14.03.2006 up 


06.03.2006 up